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C/ Beato Oriol, 5 - Polígono Foinvasa (08110) MONTCADA i REIXAC (Barcelona) España .
2013-05-24 10:25:26

Dear suppliers, we need a supplier who can provide us the attached product. It is a braided rigid ( non -elastic) ribbon,3,5 cm width , made of 100 % cotton .Please see in the image the pantone colours of the threads for your check. The quantity we need is 8 000 meters. Please mak
e sure that your product can fulfill the ecological requirement from the archive Clear to Wear Cotton 11-12 . Please send us your best price and delivery date for this product . Include in your price the cost of the packing PK151 ,detailed in the attached archive .
Please reply to this e-mail only if you can make ( send quotation of similar product , but they have to be as similar as possible to what we are looking for ) or you have the same product ( send the image with a ruler aside so we can check the width of the ribbon ,) .
Please check also the buying request 14786 in 4 cm , very similar to this one and reply also .
Replies not related to this issue will not be replied. Thank you

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  • 邮箱:outstock@outstock.es
  • 网址:http://www.outstock.es
  • 地址:C/ Beato Oriol, 5 - Polígono Foinvasa (08110) MONTCADA i REIXAC (Barcelona) España .

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