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国际求购 100%尼龙防撕裂面料
Ibex Engineering
36-G, EME DHA, Lahore
2013-02-18 10:07:32

We are a small engineering Lahore base firm and at the moment we are only involved in doing overseas assignments. We are focused to fulfil the customized job requirements of our clients which involve Parts Designing, Manufacturing and detailing. This is the first time we have received an assignment from USA in which the metal part is required to be covered under the fabric layers. For that reason the client has mentioned the requirement as given below.
1.100% Nylon,Rip Stop.Black Qty 10000 units with each unit having cutlength of 4.25"x4.5" or a total Qty of 1350 sq.ft (It will be required on monthly basis once we are confirmed)
We can better understand that the exact fabric would be hard to procure and the exact grammage is also not mentioned. We would like you to send us the best possible options which can be sent over for review to our client in USA and we can come up with a final solution. At first, we need various samples (in different densities) to evaluate and check the product before final ordering. Moreover, will be requiring a price either based on per unit or based on total qty along with the origin of manufacturing.
We will be looking forward for a quick feedback as we are in a bit of hurry for this job. Hoping for the best on this.
Thanks and Regards

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Ibex Engineering
Imad ur Rehman Alvi
  • 电话:03332167770
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  • 地址:36-G, EME DHA, Lahore

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