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国际求购 全棉布
On the Hook, Inc.
3264 Saturn Court Norcross Georgia, USA
2018-02-07 09:43:31
We are looking for manufacturers who can provide 100% brushed cotton fabrics. We currently use hundreds of thousands of yards of these yearly and are constantly increasing our usage. All materials need to meet the tests for NFPA 701 and California Title 19, section 1237, small scale test.

FABRIC   #7021
Material:  100% fire-resistant cotton velour
Size:  54��137 cm
Weight:   16.0 oz. per yard
Backing/Warp Ends:  43.2 inches
Pile Ends/Warp:  10.8 inches
Picks/Filings:   31.0 inches
Pile Tufts:  335 inches squared
Pile Heights:  106 per 1/1000 inches

FABRIC  #7022
Material:  100% fire-resistant cotton velour
Size:  54��137 cm
Weight:  21.0 oz. per sq. yard
Backing/Warp Ends:  45.0 per inch
Pile Ends/Warp:  22.30 per inch
Picks/Filings:  33.0 per inch
Pile Tufts:  735 per square inch
Pile Heights- Thousandths:  83

FABRIC  #7023
Material:  100% brushed matte-finished & fire-resistant cotton
Size:  54��137 cm
Weight:  16.0 oz per sq. yard
Backing/Warp Ends:  65
Filling Yarn & Count:  5.5/1 OE Cotton
Filling Weight: 9.9 oz.
Filling Picks/Inch:  50

FABRIC  #7024
Material:  100% brushed matte-finished & fire-resistant cotton
Size:  54��137 cm
Weight:  8-8.5 oz. per sq. yard
Backing/Warp Ends per inch:  42
Filling Yarn & Count:  20/1 Cotton
Filling Weight:  51.20%
Filling Picks per inch:  44
If your company manufactures any of these type fabrics, please e-mail a quote or send a few yards of samples.
I look forward to doing business with you

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On the Hook, Inc.
Tom Mahaffey
  • 电话:1-678-205-2176
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  • 网址:
  • 地址:3264 Saturn Court Norcross Georgia, USA

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