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国际求购 帽子
Achievements Ventures Group Ltd
95st Michael Road Aba, Aba, Abia, Nigeria 0234
2017-07-11 09:02:58
Achievements Ventures Group Ltd, are international reputable non governmental organization and expanded its vision with many branches within our locality and the firms was bearing the goal to take its place in the first ranks amongst the importing companies in Nigeria and West Africa as a leading name in importation in all kinds of products and in affiliation with foreign companies and are charged with the responsibilies of undertaking contracted projects, projects funding, and credit advice, on behalf with federal governmental ministries, wholesale distributors on foreign marketing sourcing as manufacturers/suppliers representative.
Our firm is widely chosen by numerous clients all over the world owing to our transparency, efficiency and reliability in discharging our duties and above all with the fear of God business ethics.
However, it will interest to know that we are the principale buyer and sole financier of this transaction and so it simple on "Buying and Selling Supply Transaction basis only' , because it does not involve much protocols.Our potential customers are in high demand of your product for this reasons it has to be direct supply with a competitive price in order to maximize good pricing and supply of quality.
We are looking for genuine manufacturers and exporters of all kinds of HAT. Straw hats, Felt Hats.
Send your Products Specifications:
Qty: large
Therefore, we are mandated by a reliable an urgent demand of your products by many of our potential customer here and wish to inform you that we are interested to buy directly from your company and also to advertise, promote your products to our numerous markets and within Africa contacts and are Principale Buyer and sole financier.
Willing suppliers are urgently required to send us your

联 系 人:
验 证 码:

Achievements Ventures Group Ltd
Mr. Dennis Davidson
  • 电话:234-80-5594-2676
  • 手机:
  • 传真:
  • 邮箱:
  • 网址:
  • 地址:95st Michael Road Aba, Aba, Abia, Nigeria 0234

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生意宝 - 生意社 - 生意场 - 网经社 - 网盛供应链学院 - 网盛创新研究院 - 网盛大宗 - 化工网 - 医药网 - 行业会展网 - 检测通 - 染化交易市场

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