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产品研发经理Product R&D Manager(远程工作)

薪  水: 面议 工作地点:
有效期至: 2023-05-24 发布日期: 2023-04-24


one of the fast growing brand builders in the Amazon and DTC space. We build brands and products from the ground up. We believe each employee contributes to the success and growth of our Company. 一家在亚马逊和DTC领域发展迅猛的品牌建设者之一。我们从头开始打造品牌及产品。我们相信,每位员工都会为我们公司的成功和发展做出积极的贡献。 Job Description: Initiate and oversee the product development life cycle across multiple brands concurrently, by translating brand requirements and consumer analytics into new products that delight consumers and are commercially successful. 将品牌需求和消费者分析转化为令消费者满意并且能取得商业成功的新产品,同时启动并监督多个品牌的产品开发生命周期。 Create a robust process for sampling, testing and developing new products from existing and new suppliers. 建立健全的流程,对现有的以及新的供应商的新产品进行抽样、测试和开发。 Manage each step of the product development lifecycle: Ideation, Evaluation, Development, Procurement, Mass Production and Launch. 管理产品开发生命周期的所有步骤:构思、评估、开发、采购、大规模生产和上市。 Work closely with new and existing manufacturers to develop differentiated products. 和新的以及现有的制造商紧密合作,开发差异化产品。 Work closely with brand management, advertising and supply chain personnel to coordinate new product pipeline, launches, supplier relations, and general projects/tasks. 和品牌管理、广告和供应链人员紧密合作,协调新产品流程、上市、供应商关系和一般项目/任务。 Work closely with brand management, to come up with ideas to support new and existing product lines. 和品牌管理部门紧密合作,提出支持新产品线和现有产品线的想法。 Pitch good innovative product ideas that are backed up with data. 推介有数据支持的优秀创新产品创意。 有家纺产品、床上用品行业经验、亚马逊电商经验的候选人优先考虑 Location: Shanghai上海 / Hangzhou杭州 英语视频面试 远程工作 薪资可面谈


